1º What's your name ?
2º How old are you ?
- I'm 19 turning 20 years old soon.
3º What's your occupation ?
- I'm student. I'm senior in the highschool.
4º Where are you from and what's the name of your city ?
- I'm from Kabul, Afghanistan, but currently I live in Bethel, Maine, USA.
5º How long time do you live in U.S and why do you got out of the Afghanistan ?
- I came for the USA in the last year. I got a scholarship when I was in Kabul to study in the abroad for two years of highschool.
6º Were you happy in your country ?
- Yes, I was. Because I was with my family and I had no complain about my live and it was fine.
7º Are you happy in USA now ?
- Definitely, I'm happy still. In fact happier. Because here I have more opportunities in the field of education.
8º Do you thought one day to go out to abroad when you was in your country ?
- When I was in the Afghanistan, because of the current situation and the fact that the women don't have enough right in the community. I never thought that one day I'd be able to study abroad, but I was hoping for opportunities in the future.
9º Had you been in other countries ?
- I have been in the Pakistan and Canada.
10º What do you think about Brazil ?
- (smile). It's a good question. I don't know much about Brazil. I accept that in my seventh grade that we were reading about American continent in my geography class. I know too it's the longest country of South America.
11º What do you think about U.S.A ?
- USA is a good country, it has a good education system. That is what like most about USA plus. I think that if a person has some dreams in his life. The USA is a good country where he can to make his dreams becomes true.
12º What's your religion ?
- I'm Muslim.
13º Tell me about your religion ?
My religion is Muslim. We all Muslims worship just one God. We consider God as a superior, that we are not able to see him, to hear him or feel him. If we see around us, we are able to see a lot of things and show that there is a creater for all these stuff and we worship that Creater who is super power and has the ability to do everything.
14º What's your hobby and your favorite sport ?
- I like reading books for fun and I like horse back riding.
15º What's your favorite food ?
- I like everything. By everything I mean all Afghan foods, except pasta. I like Mantoo, which is kind of dumpling, made of dough, ground beef, onions and some spices.
16º What's your first language ?
- My native language is called Dari which is similar to Persian.
17º Can you speak other languages ?
- Yes, I can speak Pashto, which is one of the two languages spoke in Afghanistan, I can speak Urdo, English and I just started learning Spanish few weeks ago.
18º What's your favorite book and favorite movie ?
- I have a lot of favorite books, but recently I read a book called The Write Tiger. I really liked it. I am not big fun of TV and movies, so I have to think about it...the recent movie that I liked the most was The Slum Dog Millionaire.
19º Say me an international idol and a national idol ?
My national idol is Ahmad Zahir, he was an Afghan singer, he was
murderer, but he's still famous not just in Afghanistan, but in Iran
and other countries too and my international idol is Barack Obama the
president of the United States.
20º What's your dream and why ?
- It's a kind of hard question, I don't know what to say, because I have a lot of dreams in my life...Ok...my dream is to be always good in everything, because I don't want to be failed, but they're all depend to my effort, if I ever gave up, I am sure: I'll lose everything.
21º Why do you use the Internet ?
- Well, I think that today all depend of technology and internet. I use internet everyday...to do my assignment, for research, to have a comunication with people and so on.
22º Who you admire in your family and why ?
- I like everyone in my family, but my parents are more close to me and they have always been supportive to me. I admire them too.
23º Say a message for the people of world ?
- Everyone is unique in their indivitual, always love peace. Live in peace and try let that other live in peace too.